Christmas Eve @ Mercy Church

I would like to personally invite you to one of our two *Christmas Eve services at Mercy Church this year being held on Wednesday, December 24 at 7pm and 9pm


7457 Cherokee Dr.
Prairie Village, KS 66208

(Northwest corner of 75th and Belinder Ave)

7:00 pm - Communion Christmas Eve

In our 7:00 pm service we will be taking Communion during the service as a part of the worship. We have what is referred to as an "Open Communion" which means you do not need to be a member at Mercy Church to take communion. Of course you are not required to take communion. This is also the service we will be offering a program for the children in a separate area from adults. 

9:00 pm - Candlelight Christmas Eve

Our 9:00 pm service will be the classic Candlelight service. We can not guarantee everyone will get their own personal candle, but each family will get one for sure. Everyone will be in the main sanctuary together for the entire service. There will be no childcare provided for this service.


We also would like to invite you to join us after each service in the Fellowship Hall for a time of great conversation with friends and family as well as enjoying great coffee and some snacks! 
Please feel free to BRING a favorite Christmas Snack to share!


No. There is no dress code at Mercy Church. That said, no speedos please, even if they are a Christmas themed! Ha ha! On a serious note, you will see people wearing suits, others in jeans and t-shirts, so just come as you wish.

*Both are services will be exactly the same except for the element of Communion and Candlelight.

Life Rarely Goes As Planned

I would imagine your life is much like mine; doesn't always go as I planned it. What the heck, it should know better! Ha ha! But I love that phrase, "With God there are no surprises!" So whatever it is in your life that isn't what you planned, my advise it roll with it. I always say, it is what it is and gripping, grumbling and complaining about it will not be beneficial or helpful in anyway shape or form. So chose happiness, smile big and do what you need to do. Life is way too short to be unhappy, and happiness is a choice and has very little to do with our circumstances.

I understand all the emotions we have when the thing we wanted to happen didn't, or the thing we didn't want to happen did, but we still have to make a choice on how we will behave moving forward. To me it's a sign of someone's emotional maturity to be able to take life as it comes, the good, the bad and the ugly, and maintain an optimistic happy faith filled attitude.

So whatever it is you are facing today, or what comes tomorrow just know this, 'it is what it is', so roll with it with faith and love and know and trust that God is right smack-dab in the middle of it with you! It's all good, because God makes it good! You got this!



I am super stoked about Mercy Church's theme for 2015: IMAGINE MORE! So what does it mean, Imagine More? *Real quick, before you skip over this, the last paragraph is for you! Even if you do not attend Mercy ... so if that's you, skip down and read!

In 2015 at Mercy Church we are going to IMAGINE MORE ...

  • More people coming to CHRIST!
  • More people getting BAPTISED!
  • More people LIVING their faith boldly!
  • More people SHARING their faith freely.
  • More MARRIAGES restored!
  • More parents being BETTER parents!
  • More HELP for the broken.
  • More people being SET-FREE from addictions!
  • More people living GENEROUS lives!
  • More PRAYERS for the hurting!
  • More children coming to KNOW and LOVE God!
  • More people in our community HELPED and SERVED!
  • More, more more ... of whatever God wants in 2015!

Mercy Church has undergone some major internal changes in order to position ourselves for sustained growth. For example we have established an Elder Team of 7 Men and Women to help with the spiritual health of the church, and a Trustee Team of 3 to help with the business side of Mercy. We have also added a NEW person to our teaching team, Chris Nicolosi, he and his wife Heather will be joining us January 4, 2015 as our Discipleship Pastor. 

*Just for YOU! What are you imagining for your life moving forward? This is the best time of year to be thinking about that you know! Do you have the job you really want? Are you working the hours you really want? Is your marriage going like you want? Is your family going like you want? Is your life going like you want? Do you have the friends you really want? On and on we could go ... what in your life is what you want? What in your life is NOT what you want?

I realize we can't control everything in our lives, some things just are what they are and all we can do and should do is get the right (winning) attitude about it. But I think more is in our control than we want to admit! We just hate having to make changes, come on, am I right? I am right! We want to lose that weight, but we just don't want to start actually thinking about what we eat, or getting a gym membership, or, or or ... too much work we think. Well it's true, 'living the dream' does take some additional effort initially, but once you are flowing that way its the same amount of work.

Bottom line: I want to challenge you to IMAGINE MORE for your life in 2015! You deserve it! 


Hashtag #Advent2014

Each day this Advent, we're asking everyone to tweet and/or Instagram a photo based on the words below. Be sure to use the hashtag #AdventWord that goes along with the date!

November 30 #Look

December 1 #Remember

December 2 #Imagine

December 3 #Thrive

December 4 #Abide

December 5 #Notice

December 6 #Watch

December 7 #ShowUp

December 8 #Respond

December 9 #Encourage

December 10 #WakeUp

December 11 #Breathe

December 12 #Act

December 13 #Risk

December 14 #Expand

December 15 #Focus

December 16 #Experience

December 17 #Become

December 18 #Beauty

December 19 #Heal

December 20 #Thank

December 21 #Ask

December 22 #Relate

December 23 #Delight

December 24 #Love

December 25 #Receive

Advent 2014 - Week One


Sunday, November 30, 2014: Light the first candle on your wreath and read together the following meditation:

FIRST READER: This is the first Sunday in Advent. Today we light one purple candle. This is the candle of hope. Advent is a time of waiting and hoping. We wait for the day when we celebrate again the birth of Jesus. We hope that everyone will come to know God and to worship God.

(Light the first candle)

SECOND READER: When we look at the first candle we remember God's promise. God promised to send a Savior to the people. When we listen to our Scripture reading, we learn what the prophet Isaiah wrote about God. God fulfills the promises made to care for people. God is loving and just. God brings peace. This gives us hope. We look forward to the time when everything is fair, when the world is at peace, and all people are treated justly.

FIRST READER: Read Isaiah 2:1-5

DISCUSSION: This Scripture offers us the hope of God's kingdom where there is peace and has the wonderful sentence, "…let us walk in the light of the Lord!"

Who are the people in our world who need hope?
What are the hopes we have for our world today?
How do we help others know that God gives hope?

PRAYER: Dear God: Thank you for your son, Jesus. Thank you for the words of the Prophet Isaiah that remind us that you are the source of our hope. Help us to remember to walk in the light of the Lord. AMEN


Monday, December 1, 2014: Today read again Isaiah 2:1-5. Pick one verse and memorize it. How do you think this verse gives hope to people?

Tuesday, December 2, 2014: Is there someone you know who needs to hear words of hope? Make or select a card for that person and mail it today.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014: Hope is something we need in our world. Think about different leaders in the world. Select one world leader. Pray for that world leader today.

Thursday, December 4, 2014: As we get ready to celebrate again the birth of Jesus, we sometimes get very busy. Today, take a ten-minute break. Sit quietly. If it helps you to concentrate, look at your Advent wreath. Pray, asking God's help to bring quiet and calm to a busy world.

Friday, December 5, 2014: Think about your family. Some may live with you. Others may be far away. Who in your family needs God's hope? Pray for this family member today.

Saturday, December 6, 2014: There are people in our neighborhoods, in our church, and in our community who need to know of God's hope. Select someone to visit today. Visit by phone or in person. Go as a family or by yourself. It doesn't necessarily have to be a visit to a home. Maybe there is someone you always see at the library. Stop by today and talk with that person. Tell the person you visit one way he or she helps you feel hopeful.

Through the years I have posted DAILY Advent Readings, please just search for them here on my blog and apply the current date and use them. Thank you! 

7 Things Every Marriage Needs

This is the most popular relationship talk that we have given at Mercy Church. It is what we have every couple we marry watch as a way to kick start them developing a wonderful relationship with each other. These are foundational characteristics from which most all the necessary charastics flow.

If you have been married 50 years, or 3 years ... these are worth looking at and making sure they are a part of your relationship! Watch and enjoy, and share with your friends!

Sucks to be Homeless

(Picture taken by Orin Borgelt 2012)

Tomorrow will be my 8th year to spend 24 hours in the shoes of a homeless person on the streets of Kansas City and by far the worst weather forecast I've seen. Today is gorgeous outside, a little cold, but nice, sunny, and dry! Tomorrow the forecast is calling for bitter cold and snow, up to 4 inches! Yay!

You may be wondering; Did I consider canceling after I heard Bryan Busby give the forecast? No way! Okay, maybe for a second. To me this is a great way to really experience how much it sucks to be homeless. So we press on! Like one friend said, "Timmy it will be memorable!"  That's a fact!


1) Say a prayer for those of us living homeless tomorrow.

Mainly pray that we will get from this journey what we need to get and that we'd get a proper perspective on life and how blessed we really are to have what we have.

2) Say a prayer for the homeless in Kansas City and around the world.

This time of year is really tough for homeless, especially those living in colder climates.

3) Give financial support to reputable organizations who help the homeless.

There are many organizations in Kansas City (some listed below) who do a fine job reaching out to the homeless! Google "Help the Homeless (NAME OF YOUR CITY)".


Twitter: @TimmyKC
facebook: /timmygibson
Instagram: /timmygibsonKC

*Kansas City Rescue Mission (This is where we ate dinner)
Kansas City, MO 64108

*We have worked a lot with KC Rescue Mission over the years! I personally know they do an outstanding job helping homeless men and women get clean up and back in society.

City Union Mission  
Kansas City, MO 64106

Neighbor2Neighbor (This is where we ate lunch)
(816) 931-1150
Kansas City, MO 64111

reStart Inc. 
Kansas City, MO 64106

Hope Faith Ministries  
Kansas City, MO 64106

Forest Avenue Family Shelter  
Kansas City, MO 64110

Shalom House    
Kansas City, KS 66104

Mother's Refuge    
8.09 miles from city center Kansas City
Independence, MO 64055

Salvation Army
(913) 829-0578
19.25 miles from city center Kansas City
Olathe, KS 66061

What Men Want (1 of 2)

I have counseled hundreds of couples, and worked with hundreds of men over the years and I see a common thread to What Men Want from their partner. Not to mention I am a man and have been one for 45 years now ... I know what I want, and I have found that I am not all that different from the men I have met.

If you want to bring the best out of your man, then keep reading! (And don't you worry, I am working on What Women Want next) These are things that many times your man will not tell you for fear of rejection or ridicule, but I have no fear of that so I shall tell all.

Q: What Do Men Want From The Woman in Their Life?

1) Sexuality. (Please, do read on!)

I don't think women fully understand the depth of sexual pressure a man deals with, just as men don't fully understand the depth of emotional pressure a woman deals with.

      a. Sexual Responsiveness.
Men don't want their partner to give in to their advances out of a feeling of duty or obligation. They want you to respond in a positive way, even if it's a "no" at this time, be kind about it. Here are some things NOT to say in response to his sexual advances:

  • "Please stop touching me you perve!" (Even adding in the word 'please' doesn't help)
  • "Ewww, you are gross."
  • "Really, we just had sex a month ago and you need it again already."
  • "All you think about is sex, you should see a Doctor!"

I know for me, even if it's a "no" right now if I am told that, "later after the kids go to bed would work for intimacy" I am totally cool with that - it gives me something to look forward to. And sometimes the anticipation is exciting. But if it's a "no" with no promise of when, then men go to a dark place and think, 'if it's a no now, it may be a no tomorrow and the day after that, and the day after that ... it's never going to happen again.' I know, crazy, but this is where men go in their heads.

    b. Want Him. 
Men want to be wanted just like women; we want to be desired. I realize that what I am saying here isn't true for all relationships, I am speaking in general terms. I have heard of relationships where the woman is the one always wanting sex and the man is slacking. But in my practice this is not the normal. In most relationships the only time there is sex is when the man initiates. This is very sad.

Women say, "well he wants it more than me and I have no time to initiate, when I think of it, he already has initiated." This is an easy fix, get a head start on him with a note in his briefcase, or in his car about what you will do to him when he gets home. Here is the thing, this doesn't need to be something you feel like doing, you just do it. You can initiate sex even if you don't feel like it.

Men want to feel like you think he is handsome. I know in my marriage my wife does not make noises and sexy comments every time there is a movie trailer with Brad Pitt in it. And this is nothing I have ever asked her to not do. I am fairly secure in myself. But in all reality, duh, of course Brad Pitt is handsome, even straight guys want to marry him. My wife may say, "he is a cool dude" or something to that effect, but she actually compliments me like I was some hot famous movie star. I give her the same respect.

I have been around women (married women) and have heard them say stuff in the presence of their husband about other men, like a Brad Pitt, that I could not even believe. I even heard one wife say, "I'd leave you for him!" she then laughed like it was a joke. It wasn't funny. Some jokes are funny, until they aren't.

    c. Have Fun.
Men want to have fun in the bedroom. This doesn't mean that every single time needs to be a circus. But men are visual, so stimulate him visually - wear lingerie, outfits, etc. Light candles, have music playing, set the mood. (Guys you can help do this too! This isn't only the woman's job!)

Baseball games are won by base hits, not home runs usually. But a home run ever so many at bats sure is exhilarating. My rule of thumb is every month or so, do something really special. For example, lots of foreplay, or massages, stimulate in others ways beside just straight love making (I pray you know what I am trying to say without saying it here.)

To Be Continued ...

Don't worry ladies, men actually do want a few other things other than sex, but sex is a HUGE part of the makeup of a man. And many men wish they weren't wired so sexually, but we are. To me if there is a man in your life that you love, why wouldn't you want to do everything in your power to make him feel loved, respected, cared for and fulfilled sexually? I mean that only makes sense, right!

Disclaimer: I am speaking to people in a committed relationship (Marriage). I also realize that the stuff I am saying only really works if the man in your life is a pretty wonderful guy who is attentive to you and your needs. It's hard to give to someone who is a total jerk. I am sorry if that is the kind of marriage you are in! That stinks!

Are Opposite-Sex Friends Okay When Married?

This has been a discussion I have had with many couples over the years and have discussed at length with my wife of 20+ years!

Can you have opposite-sex friendships when you are married?

My thoughts have definitely evolved over the years. Early on, when I was more insecure and immature, I felt that it wasn't appropriate for married people to be friends with those of the opposite sex, ever. But now, after nearly 21 years of marriage, and some maturity (emphasis on the word some) I feel a bit different.

It's not so much about the friendship as it is about your personal character and how you handle the friendship, and who you are friends with. I used to throw the baby out with the bathwater and say, "no way can you have any friends of the opposite-sex when you are married ... you will end up having an affair with them!" But that is the same as what some of my religious non-drinker friends say about alcohol, they say that, "if you drink it leads to drunkenness, lewd behaviors and orgies." (That's actually a quote! I know, ridiculous.)

My Rules That Should Govern Opposite- Sex Friendships

1) The friend should preferable be a friend of both.

This just means that to have a friend that is only your friend could be challenging. Because when they are a friend of both, they will have a respect, hopefully, for the marriage not just the individual. Make sense? There are always exceptions to rules of course, so don't get too hung up on the rule.

2) No secrets.

It should be a totally open friendship. No hiding anything about the friendship from your partner. If you are hiding the friendship, that is a warning sign for sure. There shouldn't be anything to hide ... especially if it's all above board.

3) No confiding.

I have a couple female friends, one in particular I am extremely close with and have been friends with for nearly 12 years and I have never "confided" in her. I haven't told her anything I haven't already talked about with my wife.

4) Never talk bad about your spouse with them.

My rule on this one applies to same-sex friends too. I know it's a bit extreme, but I do not find there to be any benefit in spouse bashing. So I just don't do it. If I have issues with my wife I talk to her about it, or a counselor who will give me sound wisdom. I believe this rule to be extremely valuable to the marriage if followed.

5) Limit Alcohol use when with your friend.

Alcohol, the great elixir. It removes inhibitions as well as morality, in my experience. In other words, if you aren't all that attracted to this friend, you will be after a couple glasses of wine, so be careful. Let's just be honest here, many of the stories that start with, "Well I had a few beers then ..." and they proceed to tell the "bad" story.

6) The character of your friend. 

The character of the friend you have makes all the difference in the world. If he/she is a person of character with a strong moral compass it will surely work. Because even if they were attracted to you they wouldn't cross lines because of their strong character. Of course you should have strong character too, so even if they want to cross lines you don't.

7) Listen to your spouse.

If my wife says, "No!" to the friendship, then it's a no. Period. If you don't like that, then I would advise you to never get married. It's not for you. Part of what makes marriage work is submitting one to another.

A spouse is not only a companion, but also your protector (in a healthy relationship) and they help keep you safe and protected from others and even from yourself.


I unfortunately missed out on many opportunities for valuable rich freindships with women because of my religious fear-based upbringing. "Don't even look at another woman, and definitely don't talk to them, and for damn sure don't ever be around one without your spouse present!" Oddly enough many of those same people who spouted that fear-based teaching ended up having affairs, being addicted to porn, and living a lie. Living that way obviously doesn't keep people from having affairs.

The reality is anyone can have an affair, the question is would that be beneficial to those closest to you? Is it what God wants, I mean really? You know the answer. No! No!

Please post your thoughts, questions, disagreements and opinions!