Life Is Awesome, But It Also Sucks

Life Is Awesome

Life Is Awesome

I find myself becoming more and more reflective as the years go by. Now that I am 49, almost 50, I am aware that I am in fact middle-aged now. That’s weird to even hear myself say, “middle-aged”. Part of me likes being middle-aged, and another part of me doesn’t like it at all. I mean seriously, who wants to consider their life half over? No one! And I for sure don’t.

I have also realized I am attending more funerals in the last 10 years than I ever have before, that sucks. But I know people die. We all will die one day. Dreams die. Things come to an end. But also things are being born. New dreams come alive. Life is awesome, but it also sucks sometimes.

What is my point? Life is a journey, it has it’s ups and it’s downs. It’s unpredictable at times, but it is also beautiful. Enjoy every moment. The good, the bad and even the ugly. We can learn from it all, if we’ll allow ourselves to. You got this!



I grew up without facebook! I know, shocker I could even survive such a thing, though I did and would say I am fairly well adjusted and somewhat normal. (Some might debate that last part)

That said, I wanted to just add a post here to let you know that I mainly post to facebook, and Instagram and very rarely do I actually "blog" here ... I do videos mostly and you can find those on my youtube channel.

So, if you are looking for me ... you can find me on facebook, instagram and youtube