Loose Mansion

What do you do when you’re looking for a Wedding Officiant? You Google, “Officiant Near Me” and up pops a list of Officiants in your area. How do you know you’re getting a good one? Looking at their reviews is the first place to start, but not just looking at what the Reviews say, but how many Reviews do they have and what do the Reviews specifically say. It’s important to know you’re getting an Officiant that knows what they are doing, has plenty of experience, and has a great reputation.


Disney, Toy Story - Buzz Lightyear

We all have a past. And we all have things in our past we are proud of, and things we are not proud of. There are things we wish we could get a do-over on. And the truth is we do kinda get a do-over in a way with each new day. With each new day we get the chance to do the things we wished we’d done, say the things we wished we had said, and to behave in a way that makes us proud and our heart happy. Everyday is a new day to start over and live a life of no regrets, or at least very few regrets. 

I can hear you say, “But Timmy, I’ve lost so much, I’ve hurt those I love, and I can’t change what I did.” This is true, we can’t jump into a time machine and go back and change or fix what was done! What’s done is done! But, we can live better lives starting today. We can be better to those around us today. We can treat those around us with the respect they deserve today. We can do today what we failed to do yesterday. And hopefully we learn from our past shortcomings and failures, and not repeat them. 

Sometimes it’s hard to let go and move on from the wrongs of the past. They haunt us from time to time, reminding us of what we did, and the hurt we caused, and it sucks, but it’s part of the journey of life.

All we can do is be better today, and the next day, and the day after that… and to quote America’s favorite Space Ranger Buzz Lightyear, “to infinity and beyond!" 

PS Be the kind of person who lives with grace in your heart. Giving grace not only to others for their shortcomings, but to yourself and your shortcomings.


Evelyn Underhill

As I see it, we as humans have an inner life and an outer life. The outer life is what is most visible to others and typically how we are judged, so we work real hard to keep it clean and looking pretty. And often at the expense of our Inner Life. That’s my personal journey for much of my early life. And though I am no longer religious I do like what Jesus said in the gospel of Matthew about the Inner Life:

Matthew 23:25 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside you are full of greed and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.” 

The lesson here is on the importance of the Inner Life. I like what Jesus says here about the “inside of the cup” or the “inner life.” It seems we should be spending the majority of our time on keeping the “inside of the cup” the Inner Life clean. This reminds me of another verse found in Proverbs 4:23 that says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.”

We live in a culture that currently seems to put most its value on the “outer life” or looking pretty on the outside, you know, what others see. But what’s more important is the “inner life” which is what people typically can’t see, or so we think. When the inside is a mess it’ll eventually manifest on the outside.


Work on making your inner life pretty and healthy and inadvertently it’ll manifest in your outer life. But more importantly you’ll be a healthier happier whole person when you clean the inside. Peace!