Top 10 Things To Completely Change Your life
4:8 “And
now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is
true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think
about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” –
1) THINK good things about yourself and others.
2) WRITE good things about yourself and others.
3) SAY good things about yourself and others.
4) BELIEVE good things about yourself and others.
5) WATCH things that are good, uplifting and encouraging.
6) LISTEN to things that are good, uplifting and encouraging.
7) READ things that are good.
8) DO things that are good.
9) PARTICIPATE in things that are good.
10) Be AROUND others who are engaged in GOOD THINGS.
1) THINK good things about yourself and others.
2) WRITE good things about yourself and others.
3) SAY good things about yourself and others.
4) BELIEVE good things about yourself and others.
5) WATCH things that are good, uplifting and encouraging.
6) LISTEN to things that are good, uplifting and encouraging.
7) READ things that are good.
8) DO things that are good.
9) PARTICIPATE in things that are good.
10) Be AROUND others who are engaged in GOOD THINGS.
from a message I preached on June 3, 2012 @ Mercy Church