Before Your Dad Walks You Down
/I truly believe there are two primary reasons marriages don't last "till death do us part" (that's a huge statement)...
1) No Pre-marriage Counseling - Jana and I did *6 sessions of pre-marriage counseling. We thought it was especially helpful to us because we had only dated 2 1/2 months before I popped the big question. Too many couples enter marriage with unrealistic expectations, and are missing some of the key elements to making a marriage last a life-time ... assuming that just the sheer "feelings" of love they have for each other will carry them through. Unfortunately too many couples loose that loving feeling ... and then loose the marriage as well.
*Jana and I teach 4 marriage sessions and you can watch them for FREE on our church site ... or listen for FREE on iTunes "Mercy Church KC" or you can order the (4) DVD SET for $10 and we'll mail it to you. Call our office: (913) 390-1200
2) They Marry for the wrong reasons - and yes this can mean you even marry the wrong person. This is why it's so important to do #1 ... to really make sure this person that you have chosen (that's what true love it: a CHOICE ... and every day after your wedding you must choose to LOVE EACH OTHER). When I say "marry the wrong person" I do not mean that there is THE ONE still out there and you must find him/her ... no! You just need to make sure that you marry someone for the RIGHT reasons and someone that you are compatible with.
Granted, this blog entry is primarily for the "BEFORE your Dad walks you down the isle" people ... not the ALREADY WALKED THE ISLE!
Because I am a huge proponent of "making marriage work", if you are reading this and thinking, "Timmy I married for the wrong reasons ... I married the wrong person ... I am unhappy ..." There is still hope ... IF, and only IF you are your spouse are willing to MAKE IT WORK! Think about it ... you must have loved this person enough to walk the isle, okay so yeah, maybe their not the most compatible person out there for you ... but you chose them, and you BOTH can make it work IF you are willing to put the hard work into it!
Now, to those this blog entry is truly for ... TRUST ME and the thousands of people who are reading this and can testify to the fact IT'S SO IMPORTANT TO MARRY THE RIGHT PERSON... DON'T SETTLE for anyone! MARRY FOR THE RIGHT REASONS.
FYI ... you don't have to marry your first kiss ...