Spiritual Not Religious
/What does it mean to be “spiritual” rather than “religious”? I am sure I am not the only person you’ve heard refer to themselves as, “spiritual not religious,” but what does that mean exactly? I can share with you what it means to me, and for me.
I see being, “spiritual not religious” to mean that I do not subscribe to a “one way” belief system, which says, “my religion (or beliefs) is the only true and right religion (belief system) and all other religions (belief systems) are wrong, false, deserving of eternity in Hell." I find that to be so toxic and kinda arrogant. This is part and partial to what I blog and podcast about.
Having spent the majority of my life in a religion (belief system) that taught, “we are right and everyone else is wrong and going to Hell” just doesn’t jive with me and how the world is. I can see beauty in all religious traditions and beliefs systems, as well as the ugliness of it as well. Yes, of course I can see the good it can bring to people, but also the harm and abuse. Most people of faith I know are wonderful people who are committed to their faith, their families, and to being a good human.
My contention has always been that there’s not only “one way” (or one correct religion) to believe, to see the world, to live life, to experience salvation, freedom, love, fulfillment, relationships, family, or community.
I believe as a human it’s imperative to do good and be good to yourself and others, always be kind. Love is the absolute key. And if you live in this way you will find the world will return that love and you’ll have a fulfilling life.
This is just what I think, what do you think?