Church Planting
I’ve only been in ministry for 20 years, and 11 years of that has been fulltime, and only 5 years of that has been as lead pastor guy, so my knowledge is limited. Though I am learning that you can have all the right “programs” and do all the “right” or “cool” things… music jams, dramas, video, fancy programs, creative ooz, multi-site video campus and on and on… but if you aren’t doing it from a right heart, it’s bull dukie!
Nothing wrong with all those things… we do many of them, BUT most important should be a heart to really reach people and help them grow in their faith.
I relate it to the “works” mentality… that says if I can just do enough GOOD things, God will love me! But the reality is that God loves you, even before we ever acknowledge Him He sent Jesus to die for us!
The “work” we do in Church ministry should be an outflow of the love we have as individuals for Christ. We should do it because we LOVE people, not because we want to GROW a church.
Go and love God, and each other… this will make the world a better place.