Why Olathe Life Fellowship
Here is one of many stories I hear almost daily from people who attend Olathe Life Fellowship:
I met Sue (not real name) this past Sunday. She expressed her love and appreciation for OLF. She and her husband were actually separated when they came to OLF 6 months ago. She was raised Lutheran, her husband was raised Heathen or Pagan (no church background) – Ha!
Anyway, she begged him to attend OLF to just see if he would like it (she had heard from some not-so-churchy-friends that OLF was a great church). So they came! He liked it! (This is very common in our church... un-churched people LOVE our church) Though her first thought was, “where are the hymnals and stuff…” but she enjoyed the life applicable messages and the authenticity of it all. They have also dedicated their lives to Christ within in the last couple of months! She told me that they have sense moved back in together and are doing better than ever! OLF saved their marriage and family. They love it and have even signed up to serve in various areas! Much of this was shared with a sparkle in her eye from tears!
God is good. Not everyone gets or understands OLF and its commitment, passion and vision to reach people for Christ, but you and I GET IT! We just don’t “talk” about being a church that is committed to reaching the lost… we ARE doing it! AND there is FRUIT to our labor!
Keep up the good work! You are changing lives!
- Timmy
Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not unto thine own understanding but in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path"
I met Sue (not real name) this past Sunday. She expressed her love and appreciation for OLF. She and her husband were actually separated when they came to OLF 6 months ago. She was raised Lutheran, her husband was raised Heathen or Pagan (no church background) – Ha!
Anyway, she begged him to attend OLF to just see if he would like it (she had heard from some not-so-churchy-friends that OLF was a great church). So they came! He liked it! (This is very common in our church... un-churched people LOVE our church) Though her first thought was, “where are the hymnals and stuff…” but she enjoyed the life applicable messages and the authenticity of it all. They have also dedicated their lives to Christ within in the last couple of months! She told me that they have sense moved back in together and are doing better than ever! OLF saved their marriage and family. They love it and have even signed up to serve in various areas! Much of this was shared with a sparkle in her eye from tears!
God is good. Not everyone gets or understands OLF and its commitment, passion and vision to reach people for Christ, but you and I GET IT! We just don’t “talk” about being a church that is committed to reaching the lost… we ARE doing it! AND there is FRUIT to our labor!
Keep up the good work! You are changing lives!
- Timmy
Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not unto thine own understanding but in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path"